Teaching Philosophy

Empowering, challenging, and inspiring each student to fulfill his or her unique potential at the piano: that is my goal as a teacher.

Empowerment follows from mastery of essential skills that enable students eventually to take charge of their own musical world. I help students see that these basic skills are in place -- skills in technique, reading, memorizing, practicing, and performing.

Challenges motivate students' progress at their instrument: I present challenges to stimulate students' kinesthetic awareness and to develop their physical ability in order to help build their technical ease at the piano. I challenge students' intellects, imaginations, and capacity to listen to help students discover and convey meaning beyond the notes in the printed score.

Inspired students practice their instrument, and practice leads to technical and musical development and refinement: I believe in trying to find and foster the aspect of piano study that makes each student's eyes of shine.

All photos by www.susanwilsonphoto.com unless otherwise indicated.